Ukrainian Crisis Portraiture

'A Row of Bones' Explores Ukraine in its Time of Crisis

A Row of Bones is a photo series, captured by British photographer Christopher Nunn, that explores the people and places of the Ukrainian city of Kalush at a time of grave crisis and much suffering in the Ukraine. Nunn had previously visited the Ukraine as a tourist before returning in 2013 with the intention of working on a photography project there. Little did he know that during this time there, the Ukraine would find itself in the center of political turmoil.

Using the events of the day as his inspiration, Nunn got to know the residents of the Ukraine and listened to their stories, before depicting them in the A Row of Bones photo series. Despite not speaking Ukrainian, Nunn established a solid connection with his subjects as exemplified by these captures.
Trend Themes
1. Crisis Portraiture - The trend of crisis portraiture exposes the humanity behind political turmoil and generates empathy on a deeper level.
2. International Documentaries - By focusing on global events in his work, Christopher Nunn is a part of the booming trend in international documentaries.
3. Non-verbal Communication Studies - A Row of Bones' shows how non-verbal communication can be used to create universal connections.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The genre of crisis portraiture has the potential to become a new, profitable market in the field of photography.
2. Journalism - The trend of international documentaries offers new opportunities for journalists to expand their storytelling methods.
3. Psychology - The use of Nunn's non-verbal communication observations could inform new fields of study on universal emotions and the effectiveness of non-verbal communication.

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