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Hollywood Film Topography

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Draftfcb Creates Movie Illustration Ads for a Portuguese University

Advertising agency Draftfcb creates Hollywood illustrations for an ad to promote applications to a Portuguese university’s cinema and television writing courses.

The illustrations breaks down three popular Hollywood classics, Kill Bill, King Kong and Titanic. These aren’t just images of the films but instead a break down of the movies using objects. The objects are lined up vertically in chronological order in terms of the film’s sequence.

For example, Titanic is depicted with items such as fancy dresses, a safe, expensive jewelry and eventually leads to life boats, flares and images of people drowning; on either end of the illustration is a boat and an iceberg.

Kill Bill and King Kong are illustrated the same way to show the film’s order with the use of objects. Draftfcb created a great way to stimulate the minds of those interested in a career of film and television.


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