Couture Criticism Apparel

Anonymous Designer Speaks Up For the YSL Name Change

An anonymous designer has utilized online retailer bigcartel to voice their qualms with the YSL name change. Hedi Slimane has officially taken the reigns at the French luxury label and has already made a huge impact. His designs are exquisite and stay in line with the Yves Saint Laurent tradition, but he has made some radical transitions.

The first and most startling revelation was that Slimane would be removing the name Yves from the label and it would become officially Saint Laurent. Changing a label's name isn't uncommon in the fashion industry, but to strip Yves from the brand is to dishonor the man who bred and made the label successful.

Finally, a mysterious designer has come forward and designed tees and sweaters to call out the ridiculousness. The 'Ain't Saint Laurent Without Yves' apparel is bold, beautiful and votes against the YSL name change.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Brand Rebranding - There is room for anonymous designers to create apparel in response to name changes in the fashion industry.
2. Design Brand Criticism Apparel - Designers can create fashion pieces that voice their qualms with industry changes to spark dialogue.
3. Anonymous Designer-inspired Apparel - Anonymity can act as a catalyst for designers to create meaningful and motivational fashion pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry as a whole has the potential for creative innovation in terms of product design, marketing and branding.
2. Luxury Goods Industry - Business professionals in the luxury industry can turn critical apparel into valuable products for consumers.
3. Online Retail Industry - Online retailers, like bigcartel, can provide platforms for anonymous designers to share their messages with a broader audience.

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