Work of Heart

Gallery Displays Organs

Jennifer Sutton had a bit of an out-of-body experience when she first saw the defective heart that had caused her so many problems displayed in a glass jar. The heart is being displayed alongside work by Leonardo da Vinci, Andy Warhol and the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The purpose of the exhibit at the Wellcome Collection in London is to raise awareness of restrictive cardiomyopathy, the disease that would have killed her.

Implications - Sutton addressed the surreal nature of the experience of seeing her defective heart out of her body, knowing how much pain and anguish it had been responsible for. With endless love and appreciation for the donor heart keeping her alive now, Sutton was excited yet reluctant to see her old heart on display.
Trend Themes
1. Organ Display - The trend of displaying organs to raise awareness of diseases presents a unique opportunity for medical and healthcare providers to promote organ donation and inspire individuals to take care of their health.
2. Out-of-body Art - The trend of incorporating personal experiences with artwork presents an opportunity for artists and museums to create unique and innovative exhibitions that resonate with visitors.
3. Disease Awareness Exhibits - The trend of using art and exhibitions as a means to raise awareness of diseases presents opportunities for non-profit organizations and healthcare providers to educate people about various conditions.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can leverage the trend of organ display and disease awareness exhibits to increase awareness about diseases and promote organ donation.
2. Art and Culture - Museums and artists can incorporate the trend of out-of-body art into their exhibits and create immersive experiences for visitors.
3. Non-profit - Non-profits can partner with museums and healthcare providers to use the trend of disease awareness exhibits to educate people about various conditions.

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