Shocking Live Birth Adverts

Save The Children's Woman Giving Birth Video Delivers a Harsh Message

This woman giving birth video from Save The Children provides an advisory before the video, warning viewers that what they are about to see may be distressing. If you're prepared for this, the video isn't really all that bad, but it does depict a real birth scene.

The 'First Day' video takes quite a shocking approach to delivering a chilling message: "for a million newborns every year, their first day is also their last. Basic training for midwives can help end first day deaths."

The birth is over quite quickly and the blood is wiped off of the baby pretty fast too, but even so, the shocking video has been met with mixed reviews, with some calling it much too graphic for TV, even though a woman giving birth is a pretty natural thing.
Trend Themes
1. Shocking Advertising Campaigns - Opportunity for businesses to create attention-grabbing campaigns that provoke strong emotional responses.
2. Graphic Messaging - Potential for companies to use explicit content to communicate powerful messages and capture audience attention.
3. Controversial Marketing Strategies - Possibility for businesses to adopt controversial tactics to generate discourse and increase brand awareness.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit Organizations - Potential for nonprofit organizations to use shocking video campaigns to raise awareness and drive donations.
2. Healthcare - Opportunity for healthcare providers to use graphic content to promote health education and prevention.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Possibility for advertising and marketing agencies to create controversial campaigns for their clients to stand out in a crowded market.

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