Trip-Hop Disney Videos

'Wishery' by Pogo Remixes 'Snow White' in Epic Fashion

'Wishery' by Pogo is the latest trip-hop video comprised of video clips, vocal phrases and ambient sound. This time, Pogo takes on the 1937 animated version of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,' and it's absolutely epic.

I've written about Pogo's unusual sound before; in January 2009, I featured 'Alice,' which captures sounds and video from 'Alice in Wonderland.' See 'Wishery' by Pogo above and check out the related articles below for more Disney remixes.
Trend Themes
1. Trip-hop Music Videos - Opportunity for artists to create unique and captivating music videos by remixing popular films or animations in the trip-hop genre.
2. Disney Remix Culture - Growing trend of artists and creators remixing Disney movies to create innovative and engaging content that appeals to a wider audience.
3. Ambient Sound Sampling - Emerging trend of incorporating ambient sound and vocal phrases from movies or other sources to create atmospheric and immersive music compositions.
Industry Implications
1. Music Production - Disruptive innovation opportunity for music production companies to offer services specializing in creating remixes and music videos using existing movie footage.
2. Digital Content Creation - Opportunity for digital content creators to tap into the Disney remix culture trend and create unique content that resonates with a broad audience.
3. Audio Sampling Technology - Emerging industry of audio sampling technology that enables artists to easily extract and manipulate sound clips from movies or other sources for creative purposes.

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