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MyOeno is a Wine Scanner That Characterizes Your Vino For You

This wine scanner gives you all the oenological information you could need about your beverage. Perfect for people who want to know more about wines, the MyOeno is dipped into a glass of vino and "objectively characterizes the style of the wine you are savoring." You can pre-order the device from Kickstarter, making it a fun holiday gift for foodies and wannabe wine connoisseurs.

The wine scanner is easy to use and won't alter your drink or interact chemically with the liquid. MyOeno ensures you can pick the right wine for you every time and stop wasting money on bottles you won't end up liking. You can also use the gadget and learn without having to uncork a bottle. This means no more purchasing paralysis at the store.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Wine Gadgets - The rise of smart wine gadgets like MyOeno presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in wine technology and consumer sensory experiences.
2. Wine Personalization - Technologies like MyOeno that provide personalized and objective characterizations of different wine styles are disrupting the wine industry and creating new opportunities for enhancing the wine-tasting experience.
3. Wine Education Tools - Wine education tools like MyOeno represent a trend towards greater consumer education and engagement with wine, creating opportunities for innovators to develop disruptive educational products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The MyOeno device is disrupting the food and beverage industry by enabling consumers to make more informed decisions about wine selection and providing personalized wine characterizations.
2. Wine Production - MyOeno's technology presents opportunities for wine producers to leverage digital tools to improve wine quality, optimize production processes, and better understand consumer preferences.
3. Wine Education - The growing interest in wine education driven by tools like MyOeno is disrupting the wine education industry and creating opportunities for educators to develop innovative approaches to wine learning and tasting instruction.

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