Sleek Massive Wine Dispensers

Versay Aims to Change Wine Culture with Wine on Tap

Have you ever considered the possibilities of wine on tap? A company called Versay has designed a wine on tap system that is currently available in restaurants in Toronto, New York, California and Vancouver. The system works much like beer on tap, although it carries significantly less volume of wine in its kegs.

Versay aims to change the culture of wine in restaurants by replacing (at least partially) the current system of serving wine by the glass. The wine on tap system removes the freight costs for restaurants and eliminates the need to recycle empty bottles after use. From an environmental standpoint this is an attractive feature for green-focused restaurants.

For wine drinkers, wine on tap ensures freshness by keeping the wine secured in an air tight keg until it is dispensed. In a wine by the glass system, the last glass of a bottle may not taste as fresh as the same glass of wine from earlier in the evening. Versay aims to provide consistent taste to every patron.
Trend Themes
1. Wine on Tap - Wine dispensing systems that leverage kegs, sans bottles.
2. Green Wine - Environmentally friendly wine production and delivery innovations.
3. Wine by the Keg - New ways of dispensing kegged wines.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The wine and restaurant industry, especially those focusing on sustainable dining.
2. Hospitality - Hotels and resorts that offer wine bars or restaurants can benefit from offering wine dispensing systems.
3. Manufacturing - Manufacturers of wine dispensing systems and equipment.

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