Irrational Balloting Infographics

The ‘Why You’re Voting That Way’ Chart Shows S

Voting patterns can be affected by numerous external influences. Before you submit your ballot this year, think long and hard and ask yourself, "Was I standing next to hand sanitizer when I checked this?" Journalist Tom Jacobs reveals, in the ‘Why You’re Voting That Way’ infographic, that what you’re doing and where you’re standing could subconsciously affect your political views.

According to the study, "cleanliness cues conservative attitudes," which is probably why people leaned towards this party when they were standing next to Purell. Other things like high alcohol levels and multitasking can also sway your votes to be Conservative as well. What Tom Jacobs brings to light in the Why You're Voting That Way infographic is how fragile one's position can be. The journalist stresses the various external factors can contribute to the wavering of one's voting preferences, suggesting that voters think carefully before they submit their ballots this year.
Trend Themes
1. Cleanliness Cues Conservative Attitudes - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop political campaigns or messaging that leverage the perception of cleanliness to appeal to conservative voters.
2. Alcohol Levels Influence Conservative Votes - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create targeted marketing campaigns or products that associate certain alcoholic beverages with conservative values and ideals.
3. Multitasking Influences Conservative Votes - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design political messaging or platforms that effectively reach and resonate with multitasking individuals to sway their voting preferences towards conservatism.
Industry Implications
1. Political Campaigning - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use insights from voting pattern influences to develop innovative campaign strategies and messages for political candidates.
2. Alcoholic Beverage Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with political parties or organizations to create alcohol products that align with their values and messaging.
3. Digital Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop digital marketing tools and platforms that effectively reach and engage multitasking individuals to convey conservative messages and perspectives.

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