Apocalypse-Predicting Charts

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The 'Who Believes the End of Civilization is Near?' Graphic Daunts

The 'Who Believes the End of Civilization is Near?' infographic tells the tale of armageddon worriers. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, which a number of people have taken to mean that they have made the prediction that the world would come to an end at that point.

However, as the Who Believes the End of Civilization is Near? infographic makes clear, it's hardly the odd person who harbors these doubts. In fact, according to the graphic one in seven people think they will live to see the end of the world. The majority of these people are from Turkey, the United States and South Africa. One in ten believes that they will not only see the world come to an end, but that it will in fact be later this year.
Trend Themes
1. Apocalypse Anxiety - Businesses can capitalize on the fear of the apocalypse by offering products or services that provide a sense of security or prepare for disaster.
2. End Times Entertainment - The rise in apocalyptic beliefs could lead to a surge in demand for movies, TV shows, video games, and other forms of entertainment related to the end of the world.
3. Doomsday Preparation - Some people who believe in the coming apocalypse may be interested in products or services that help them prepare, such as self-defense classes, emergency kits, or survival guides.
Industry Implications
1. Security Systems - Security system companies can target consumers' fears of the end of the world by offering products that keep them safe from intruders, looters, or other potential threats.
2. Food and Beverage - Companies that specialize in emergency food supplies can market to people who believe in the coming apocalypse by offering shelf-stable, long-lasting food options.
3. Religious Organizations - Religious organizations may be able to leverage the end-times beliefs by offering services that help followers prepare for the end of the world, such as counseling or workshops.

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