Whisky-Flavored Pork

An Iowa Distillery is Trying to Make Whisky Bacon by Feeding Pigs Differently

In an effort to revolutionize the way we eat pork, an Iowa based distillery is raising pigs to create whisky bacon. Whisky-flavored pork is typically made by marinating the meat in it, but this innovative process hopes to take out that step. Templeton Rye Distillery is a prohibition era whisky maker that is trying to make whisky flavored bacon by feeding 25 purebred Duroc pigs (a breed known for its high quality meat) grain leftover from the distillation process.

Born in early January, the pigs should be ready to eat in June. The highly anticipated whisky bacon already has fans waiting. While this experiment won't necessarily work, it is worth the wait for next month to see how it all turns out.
Trend Themes
1. Whisky-flavored Food - Food and beverage companies can explore creating a new range of products that incorporate whisky into their flavor profiles.
2. Innovative Animal Feeding - Livestock farms around the world can look into innovative feeding methods to create unique flavor profiles for their produce.
3. Sustainable Distillery Operations - Distilleries can explore innovative ways to use the leftover grain from the production process to reduce waste and create new revenue streams.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage companies can explore incorporating innovative ingredients and flavors into their products.
2. Livestock Farming - Livestock farms can explore innovative feeding methods to create unique flavor profiles for their produce.
3. Distillery - Distilleries can explore innovative ways to use their waste products to reduce waste and create new revenue streams.

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