Playful Baked Good Branding

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Whaoo! Filled Crêpes Have Been Rebranded to Target Parents

Whaoo! filled crêpes have been treated to a rebranding by owner Norac Foods UK to position them competitively in the market and catch the attention of shopping parents.

The branding targets parents who are in search of a high-quality after-activity snack for both themselves and kids, which prioritizes taste and convenience to boot. The product is crafted with high-quality ingredients in Brittany, France including free-range eggs and cow's milk, and comes in two flavors including Chocolate and Crunchy Chocolate with Hazelnuts. The crepes come individually wrapped in packs of six servings.

Director of Norac Foods UK Ltd. Bruno de Bourmont commented on the Whaoo! filled crêpes rebranding saying, "We want to communicate the Whaoo! proposition as vividly as possible, and win new shoppers with our new brand identity. Family snacking is a competitive category, so we’ve taken great care to ensure its bright and appealing, to drive stand-out on shelf. All the new packs feature a modernised version of our friendly giraffe and his animal friends, to create a major point of difference next to the many plain and clear packs in the bakery aisle. We’ve had fantastic feedback from families as to how fun our products look, and we’re looking forward to an equally enthusiastic response in store."
Trend Themes
1. Family-focused Snacking - Creating packaging and branding that appeals to both parents and kids in the snack industry presents a unique opportunity for companies to differentiate and attract new customers.
2. Premium Ingredient Emphasis - Highlighting high-quality ingredients sourced from specific regions can set a baked goods brand apart and cater to consumers seeking premium snacks.
3. Personalized Individually Wrapped Products - Offering individually wrapped servings in unique flavors can tap into the convenience trend and meet the evolving snacking habits of busy families on the go.
Industry Implications
1. Food Packaging - Innovating packaging designs to cater to family-oriented snacking preferences can revolutionize the food packaging industry and enhance brand recognition on shelves.
2. Bakery - Exploring the use of premium, locally sourced ingredients can disrupt the bakery sector by elevating product quality and attracting discerning consumers seeking upscale baked goods.
3. Confectionery - Introducing personalized, individually wrapped treats in novel flavors has the potential to revolutionize the confectionery market by appealing to convenience-seeking consumers looking for unique snack options.

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