Pastel Fluid Sculptures

Wet Space by Tom Hancocks is Surprisingly Created Digitally

Wet Space by Tom Hancocks, a visual artist based in New York City, is a series of sculptures that look as though they were made out of some sort of pastel gunk. Fluid and organic, the malleable-looking objects can be likened to a myriad of things including colored milk, Play Doh and more.

In reality, Wet Space by Tom Hancocks was digitally imagined, which makes the sculptures even more impressive. Known for his fluid works of art, also shown are some pieces created for self-published magazines like Offline Samizdat. With simple white backdrops, the digital sculptures stand out all the more, which allows his audience to fully appreciate the different intricate forms they take on.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Sculptures - Leveraging digital tools to create visually impressive sculptures opens up new possibilities for artists and designers.
2. Fluid Art - Exploring the use of malleable-looking materials in art allows for the creation of visually captivating and imaginative pieces.
3. Virtual Exhibitions - Creating digital sculptures opens the door for virtual exhibitions, enabling artists to showcase their work to a global audience without physical limitations.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can leverage digital tools and malleable materials to create innovative and visually stunning sculptures.
2. Publishing - Self-published magazines and online platforms can feature digital sculptures as a unique and captivating form of visual art.
3. Virtual Events - Virtual event platforms can host virtual exhibitions featuring digital sculptures, offering a new and immersive experience for art enthusiasts.

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