Nuanced Website Analysis

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This Artificial Intelligence Software Replicates Human Reactions to Sites

EyeQuant is a new software company that effectuates website analysis using artificial intelligence. With the use of AI, the program can actually detect what a human experiences when they visit a certain webpage.

EyeQuant uses AI to perform website analysis in two areas: the excitement of a page and its clarity. Each metric is rated on a scale of 0 to 100. For excitement, 0 is a very calm, subdued site that might not hold attention for too long. 100 represents an extremely engaging webpage. In the realm of clarity, 100 is best, indicating the maximum clarity and ease of reading.

The website analysis software was recently tested on both Donald Trump's website and Hillary Clinton's. While Trump received a 92% clarity score, his site was less engaging than Clinton's, whose excitement factor came in at 70%.
Trend Themes
1. Website Analysis Using AI - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced AI algorithms to perform in-depth website analysis and provide valuable insights to optimize user experience.
2. Measuring Excitement and Clarity Metrics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create AI-based tools that accurately measure the excitement and clarity metrics of websites to enhance user engagement and readability.
3. Comparative Website Analysis - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build AI software that allows for quick and efficient comparative analysis of multiple websites to identify best practices and areas for improvement.
Industry Implications
1. AI Software Development - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop and market AI software tools that can accurately analyze and improve website performance.
2. User Experience Optimization - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Provide specialized services focused on optimizing website user experience by leveraging AI-based analytics and recommendations.
3. Digital Marketing and Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate AI-driven website analysis tools into digital marketing and advertising strategies to enhance customer engagement and conversions.

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