
VW Polo Singing Dog Ad

We've talked about catvertising, but canine commercials are just as popular.

People love animals, some think they're cute, other hilarious, but regardless of the reason, the point is, animals with character sell. Case in point, the new VW Polo Singing Dog commercial.

It features a series of Jack Russell terriers, all of them upset and whimpering save for one who is happily smiling and sining along to 'I'm a man' by Spencer Davis... guess why? He's riding shotgun in the a VW Polo!
Trend Themes
1. Animalvertising - Leveraging the appeal of animals with character in advertisements can create engaging and memorable campaigns.
2. Emotional Marketing - Creating adverts that evoke strong emotions, such as happiness or amusement, through the use of animals can make a brand stand out.
3. Humor in Advertising - Using humorous elements, like a singing dog, can capture people's attention and leave a lasting impression.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Automotive companies can incorporate animals with character in their advertising campaigns to make them more entertaining and relatable to consumers.
2. Pet Products - Pet product manufacturers can take inspiration from animalvertising and use animals with character in their promotional materials to attract pet owners.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising agencies can explore animalvertising as a creative strategy to create compelling and engaging content for their clients.

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