Female Vulnerability As Art

Ben Tour's 'Electric Orphans' Paintings Show Troubled Women

I love the beautiful artworks of Toronto-born artist Ben Tour. He draws and paints these incredibly beautiful, yet troubled women. There is a dark mystique hidden in the expression of his characters. There's an accuracy of detail where a vulnerability often emerges. Very enchanting.

Ben Tour draws inspiration from the streets using spray paint, graffiti and urban art references, but he also looks to masters of painting such as Bacon and Schiele.

His first solo exhibition in Toronto is called Electric Orphans and is on at the Meta Gallery until February 15.

Have a look at the video above for a tour de Ben Tour.
Trend Themes
1. Troubled Female Musings - Opportunity to create artworks featuring female subjects that highlight emotional and psychological issues.
2. Urban Artistry - Opportunity to recreate urban landscape and artform into new art works.
3. Dark Emotions - Opportunity to spark conversations about darker aspect of human psyche.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Culture - Opportunity to showcase art works featuring female vulnerability.
2. Entertainment and Media - Opportunity to explore the emotional and psychological aspect of human nature in new narratives and characters.
3. Technology - Opportunity to incorporate urban elements and references into virtual reality and augmented reality experiences.

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