Fake Wind Blown Couture

Vionnet Resort Collection Photos Akwardly Utilize Wind Machine

The Rodolfo Paglialunga Vionnet resort 2010 collection was beautiful and stunning. All of the pieces had perfect draping and were very wearable.

The photography styling for the Rodolfo Paglialunga Vionnet resort 2010 collection, however, was quite questionable.

It appeared as though a wind machine was used to take the pictures. While this may sound cool, it actually came off pretty odd since the model is perfectly coiffed and not moving.

What do you think?
Trend Themes
1. Photography Styling Trends - Opportunities for innovative photo shoots utilizing unconventional techniques like wind machines and capturing movement in still images.
2. High Fashion Collections - Incorporating unique artistic elements like wind machines to create visually compelling presentations of couture designs.
3. Wearable Fashion - Designing drapery and clothing that is both aesthetically pleasing and practical for everyday wear.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Innovating new techniques and tools for capturing fashion imagery that pushes the boundaries of creativity and storytelling.
2. Fashion Design - Exploring unconventional methods of presentation and styling in high fashion collections to create a memorable and impactful brand image.
3. Apparel Manufacturing - Developing wearable fashion pieces that showcase intricate draping and craftsmanship while providing comfort and functionality for consumers.

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