Vertical-Format Short Films

Facebook Challenged a Series of Influencers to Make Vertical Films

As much as vertical films are often criticized for wasting screen space that will only be filled by blank black bars, videos that are shot vertically have the potential to be the future of social media, marketing and entertainment.

Last year, tests from Facebook concluded that people responded positively to the way it offered larger renderings of vertical videos in the News Feed. Additionally, users were more engaged and more likely to watch the content for a longer period of time with the sound on.

To test the boundaries of the vertical video format, Facebook challenged 15 influencers to create short films. While some of the created videos include animations, others embrace short-form storytelling, such as 'You Can Leave Your Hat On' by Anna Devís and Daniel Rueda.
Trend Themes
1. Vertical-format Short Films - Vertical videos have the potential to be the future of social media, marketing, and entertainment.
2. Increased Engagement with Vertical Videos - People are more engaged and likely to watch vertically shot content for a longer period of time with the sound on.
3. Challenging Boundaries of Vertical Video Format - Facebook's challenge to influencers demonstrates the potential for creativity and innovation in the vertical video format.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Vertical videos have the potential to reshape the way social media platforms and users interact with video content.
2. Marketing - Vertical videos offer new opportunities for marketers to engage and connect with audiences in a more immersive way.
3. Entertainment - The rise of vertical videos opens up possibilities for new storytelling techniques and formats in the entertainment industry.

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