Real Untouched Butts

Refinery29 Compiles Non-Photoshopped Women's Bums for Perspective

When it comes to untouched butts, men and women alike can feel insecure and disillusioned about beautiful female bodies. Although supermodels work hard for their physical assets, photographers and designers work just as hard in the studio after the photoshoot is said and done. Real women and their untouched butts don't have the benefit of such digital work.

To bring a little perspective while also encouraging more women to share their untouched butts, Refinery29 writes, "We photographed the butts of 30 women. And, we asked how they feel about their backsides--what they love, what they think is funny, and whether or not Vogue's 'radical' acceptance of bodies larger than a sample size has affected their lives."
Trend Themes
1. Body Positivity - Opportunities for disruptive innovation in the fashion and beauty industries by promoting body positivity and embracing diverse body types.
2. Authenticity in Advertising - Opportunities for disruptive innovation in the marketing and advertising industries by showcasing real and untouched representations of women's bodies.
3. Inclusive Representation - Opportunities for disruptive innovation in the media and entertainment industries by featuring diverse women with untouched bodies, challenging traditional beauty standards.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the fashion industry by designing and promoting clothing lines for diverse body types, embracing authenticity.
2. Beauty - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the beauty industry by launching campaigns that celebrate natural beauty and offer inclusive products for all body types.
3. Media - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the media industry by creating content that showcases untouched bodies and challenges unrealistic beauty standards.

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