420-Pound Human Hair Art

‘United Nations: United Colors' Exhibit by Wenda Gu

Wenda Gu’s ‘United Nations: United Colors’ art piece might not be the most sanitary of sculptures, but the unique assemblage of 420 pounds of human hair posesses some noteworthy shock value.

Clippings gathered from 42,000 haircuts of Dartmouth students, faculty, staff, and local Hanover residents were shipped to China, where they were processed for this piece. Elmer’s Glue and dye were the primary tools used to form part of Gu’s ‘United Nations: United Colors’ project of hair art that began in 1993.
Trend Themes
1. Human Hair Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring new ways to use human hair in art and design to create unique and shocking pieces.
2. Sustainable Art Materials - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Developing eco-friendly alternatives to Elmer's Glue and dye for art projects.
3. Cross-cultural Collaborations - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Facilitating international collaborations in the art industry to create pieces that encapsulate diverse cultural perspectives.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Pushing boundaries and challenging traditional notions of art using unconventional materials and techniques.
2. Textile and Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploring new uses for human hair in fashion and textile production, such as creating sustainable fabrics or accessories.
3. Education and Research - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Conducting further research on the potential benefits and limitations of using human hair as a material in various industries.

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