Gentle Vegan-Friendly Cleansers

Lush Cosmetics' Ultraplant Reformulates a 2,000-Year-Old Recipe

Lush Cosmetics' six-ingredient Ultraplant is a simple skincare product that takes inspiration from 2,000-year-old cold creams from Greece. The entirely plant-based formula is made with Peruvian jojoba oil, orange blossom water, glycerine, sunflower wax, agave nectar and candelilla wax, and is touted as the brand's "most luxurious, cold cream facial cleanser yet."

The newly launched, vegan-friendly Ultraplant is not to be confused with another favorite from Lush, Ultrabland, which is also a gentle cleanser but contains honey and beeswax as ingredients.

Notably, the formula for Ultraplant has no synthetic preservatives, only natural and effective ingredients that gently yet deeply cleanse the skin. Using the cleanser is as simple as massaging it into the skin and wiping it away with a damp cloth.
Trend Themes
1. Vegan-friendly Skincare - The rise of vegan-friendly skincare products opens up opportunities for brands to develop innovative and sustainable alternatives to traditional formulas.
2. Ancient Inspired Beauty - Drawing inspiration from ancient beauty rituals and ingredients allows brands to create unique and culturally rich products that appeal to consumers seeking authenticity and tradition.
3. Natural Preservative-free Formulas - The demand for skincare products without synthetic preservatives creates a market for brands to explore natural alternatives and develop innovative preservation methods.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare - The skincare industry can capitalize on the trend of vegan-friendly cleansers by developing a wide range of plant-based products to cater to the growing demand for cruelty-free and sustainable options.
2. Beauty - The beauty industry can tap into the trend of ancient-inspired beauty by incorporating traditional ingredients and rituals into their product lines, offering consumers a unique and culturally rich beauty experience.
3. Natural Products - The natural products industry can seize the opportunity to innovate and offer preservative-free formulas, providing consumers with alternatives that address concerns about synthetic ingredients and potential skin irritants.

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