Ubersexual Men

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Male Grooming a Huge Market

You bet this was a real press release! Ubersexual (not to be confused with metrosexual) men are emerging worldwide, and Euromonitor International is urging global marketers to examine this demographic.

Euromonitor defines ubersexual men as "more complex, more thoughtful, more culinary and better groomed than macho man, but more traditionally masculine than the metrosexual."

Men are beginning to spend more time and money on personal grooming and that include everything from investing in personal trainer and health club memberships, buying skin care products and in extreme cases, going under the knife for cosmetic surgery.

"Increasingly sophisticated products, traditionally catering to women, are now being marketed to men," Don Hedley, Consumer Analyst from Euromonitor International explained. "In the cosmetics industry for example, traditional male products such as shaving foam, hair gel, razors and deodorants are now being complemented with anti-wrinkle creams, bronzing products and toning gels. This represents a phenomenal opportunity for all manufacturers to cash in on".

Do NOT confuse this with metrosexuals; ubersexual men can be very masculine; they are just connoisseurs of life and enjoy being informed, pampering themselves and being on the cutting edge of all industries.

The ubersexual is also interested in fitness, gourmet cuisine and fine dining and shopping for electronics, gadgets and fashion. He is brand conscious and a hedonist traveler that enjoys luxury resorts and wine tourism.

"The Ubersexual man is a more complex and thoughtful Generation Y male, essentially a more masculine version of the metrosexual with a wider set of interests. This label creates a role model in terms of lifestyle, appearance and buying habits, which men are willing to aspire to. As the boundaries between genders continue to be broken down, global companies are expected to find increasingly innovative ways to profit from the evolving characteristics of the male consumer," the press release said.
Trend Themes
1. Male Grooming Market - Increasing trend of men investing more money and time in personal grooming creates opportunities for manufacturers to develop and market more sophisticated products to men.
2. Cosmetic Surgery for Men - Growing trend of men electing for cosmetic surgery creates opportunities for service providers to offer a wider range of services tailored to men.
3. Luxury Lifestyle for Men - Emerging trend of ubersexual men who are interested in gourmet cuisine, fine dining, technology, fashion, and luxury travel creates opportunities for businesses to cater to this demographic.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care - Manufacturers of skin care products, anti-wrinkle creams, toning gels and other grooming products can develop and market sophisticated products to men.
2. Cosmetic Surgery - Service providers can develop a wider range of cosmetic surgery services tailored to men.
3. Luxury Travel - Companies in the luxury travel industry can cater to the growing demand for luxurious resorts and wine tourism among ubersexual men.

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