Kooky Collage Art

The Vibrant Triple Trouble II Exhibition In Paris

Opening on September 3 and running until September 19 is the Triple Trouble Exhibition featuring notable urban artists Cream, So-Me and 2shy.

In the gallery is a preview of some of the art which will be at the show. So far it appears to be a brightly colored mash-up of fun ideas and typography carefully collaged together.

This show will take place in the Lazy Dog Gallery in Paris. I can’t wait to see the rest of the pieces.
Trend Themes
1. Collage Art - Opportunity for artists and creatives to explore new ways of combining different elements to create visually striking compositions.
2. Urban Art - Potential for urban artists to bring their unique styles and perspectives to traditional gallery spaces, stimulating conversation and pushing boundaries.
3. Typography - Innovation opportunity for designers to experiment with playful and unconventional typography in their artwork, adding depth and visual interest.
Industry Implications
1. Art Galleries - Chance for art galleries to showcase urban and contemporary art, attracting a younger audience and diversifying their collections.
2. Creative Events - Possibility for event organizers to curate exhibitions that celebrate and promote cutting-edge urban art, fostering a vibrant and dynamic creative community.
3. Graphic Design - Opportunity for graphic designers to incorporate collage techniques and experimental typography into their work, adding a fresh and contemporary touch to branding and communication.

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