Trend Hunter PRO

Find out How eBay, Pepsico and Google Use Our Research to Kick-Start Innovation

What are the advantages of using our 2011 Trend Reports and Trend Hunter PRO? Watch this special video to find out how brands like eBay, Google and Pepsico use our unrivaled trend research to spark innovation.

Instead of relying on a few trend spotters, leading brands kick-start their innovation based on the collective insight of 41,000 trend spotters and 370,000,000 views of data. Subscribers of our trend research gain access to 900+ PRO Trends such as Interactive Retail, Wearable Tech and Brand Reversion, which are all hyper-linked to more than 38,000 online examples.

In this video, Chief Trend Hunter Jeremy Gutsche provides a look at the ways in which any business can benefit and gain insight using our unrivaled research platform. Find out the difference between "popular" and "cool," how you can take your team's innovation to the next level, and how knowledge of trends can affect your business direction.

Now, more than ever, economic uncertainty is giving birth to new consumer needs. With our quantified consumer insight, your team will identify opportunity and steal market share from less-informed competitors.

Watch the video now and get a FREE sample of Trend Hunter PRO.
Trend Themes
1. Collective Insight - Leading brands are using collective insight from trend spotters to stimulate innovation.
2. Hyper-linked Pro Trends - Subscribers gain access to 900+ hyper-linked PRO Trends that can drive innovation.
3. Quantified Consumer Insight - Quantified Consumer Insight can give businesses the upper hand in identifying new opportunities.
Industry Implications
1. Market Research - Market research companies can incorporate collective insight and hyper-linked trends to improve their services.
2. Consulting - Consulting firms can use quantified consumer insight to offer their clients better strategies.
3. Advertising - Advertising agencies can use hyper-linked trends to develop more effective campaigns for their clients.

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