Comical Olympic Travel Ads

The Escape the Madness Campaign Encourages Visiting Ireland

With the 2012 Olympics commencing in London, England, the Tourism Ireland agency is using the Escape the Madness campaign to help promote tourists to visit its country instead. The campaign highlights the fact that in comparison to London, Ireland will have less traffic and disruption, hence it would be the perfect time to visit the country.

The video that was created for the campaign depicts two young men on different missions. One is trying to get to his London office, while the other escapes to Ireland for a nice cold pint.

With so much buzz centered around the Olympics, it was a smart move on the marketers part to utilize the monumental event by creating a comical video that would stir up conversation, and possibly lure tourists who are visiting or residing in London to make a pit stop in Ireland as well.
Trend Themes
1. Olympic-themed Marketing - Creating marketing campaigns that leverage major sporting events, like the Olympics, to promote alternative destinations.
2. Humorous Travel Advertising - Using comedic elements in travel advertisements to capture viewers' attention and generate buzz.
3. Destination Differentiation - Highlighting the unique aspects and advantages of a particular destination to attract tourists during major events.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - The tourism industry can take advantage of Olympic events to promote alternative destinations and attract visitors.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry can utilize humor in travel campaigns to create memorable and shareable content.
3. Hospitality - Hotels and hospitality businesses in countries neighboring major event host cities can position themselves as more peaceful and convenient options for visitors.

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