Fanciful Rubbish-Collecting Films

‘Tiny Worlds’ is a “Trashy” Trilogy

‘Tiny Worlds’ is literally three short films about trash. To be more precise, the rubbish in London. The VFX and computer generated animation agency Rushes decided to make the films to explore what happens to our trash when we aren’t looking.
What really happens to our garbage when we throw it on the street? How is it magically gone the next day, and who removed it for us?

The three ‘Tiny Worlds’ short films are 20 second clips that feature a mini bulldozer, a logging truck and a submarine that struggle with urban life on the street and waste removal. 

The series may have just been a casual project for the creative team but should be the starting idea for a longer environment-conscious film like Wall-E. Perhaps these clips will make you think twice before you litter.
Trend Themes
1. Environment-conscious Films - The 'Tiny Worlds' short films can inspire longer films with a similar theme that are environmentally conscious and focused on sustainable development.
2. Augmented Reality-based Waste Management - Augmented reality can be used to show people where their waste is going and how it affects the environment, leading to better waste management practices.
3. Smart City Waste Management - Innovative waste collection methods in cities can improve waste management, leading to a cleaner environment and better public health.
Industry Implications
1. Animation and Post-production - The animation and post-production industry can create more environmentally conscious films like 'Tiny Worlds' that highlight important topics related to sustainable development.
2. Waste Management - The waste management industry can adopt augmented reality and other innovative methods to improve waste collection and disposal practices in smart cities.
3. Environmental Consulting - Environmental consulting firms can assist cities in implementing smart waste management systems that prioritize sustainable development and public health.

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