Flu Spotting Mirrors

The World's First Mirror Thermometer Called the Mirror Thermo

Japanese tech firm NEC Avio Infrared Technologies revealed the world's first mirror thermometer called the Mirror Thermo. This amazing reflector can measure and identify a person's skin temperature while letting them check themselves out.

Mirror Thermo has a built-in infrared sensor and alarms when it comes into contact with a person inflicted with flu.

There will be two versions of Mirror Thermo priced in between $1,180-$1,440, with only 5,000 units produced annually.

Implications - With the popularization of products like hand sanitizer, consumers are becoming more closely in contact with their underlying germaphobic natures. With such, companies are presented with the opportunity to create products that capitalize on common consumer fears, such as getting sick.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Thermometers - Innovative thermometers with built-in sensors that can detect temperature and alert individuals of potential illness could become a popular consumer item.
2. Health Monitoring Technology - Technologies that focus on early detection of illnesses and diseases could have a large impact on the healthcare industry.
3. Contactless Temperature Monitoring - Tools that enable contactless temperature monitoring could find a place in industries such as hospitality and transportation in efforts to prevent the spread of illnesses.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - Companies in the consumer electronics industry could develop smart thermometers and health monitoring technologies for consumers.
2. Healthcare - The healthcare industry could benefit from early detection technologies like the Mirror Thermo to identify illnesses and prevent the spread of disease.
3. Hospitality - Contactless temperature monitoring products like the Mirror Thermo could be implemented in the hospitality industry to reassure guests and prevent the spread of illnesses.

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