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The Scrotector

the condom that really has balls! - The condom that covers the scrotum

An evolution in condoms and safe sex launches this month with the Scrotector – the world’s first condom to cover the sheath and scrotum during intercourse – giving ultimate protection.
Created by Theyfit, who specialise in producing 95 sizes of condom, the sculpted ultra thin and ultra strong latex sheath covers the whole male genital area ensuring that the condom remains in place during intercourse. The pouch, called a ScroPro, means that latex-to-skin coverage is increased by 258% versus a
regular condom. Further more, the risk of "spillage" upon withdrawal is minimised.
The arrival of Scrotector has been heralded by sexual health and pregnancy planning experts alike as it addresses two growing concerns.
Flora Ipol from the Centre of Scrotal Medicine commented, "The scrotal area is vulnerable to many sexual transmitted diseases which are worryingly on the increase. The incidence of Tikkell Metesticales is actually increasing in the UK and until now we haven’t been able to stop the spread, only cure the condition. Scrotector
gives us the perfect tool to combat this and other scrotally transmitted diseases."
Dr Alf Poliasoy from the Seminal Institute points to the value of avoiding fluid spillage, "Removing a condom after sex is when a lot of men make mistakes and fluids are released which can lead to pregnancy. The Scrotector’s unique design ensures that the whole area is covered and the man can safely remove the condom without risk."
Scrotector comes in 6 sizes to fit all scrotal sizes from egg to melon. To get your hands on the new Scrotector go to £9.99 for six

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