Unhealthy Bodybuilding Portraits

'The Four Horseman of the Oesophagus' Focuses on an Odd Pairing

'The Four Horseman of the Oesophagus' is an odd photo series, to say the least. It pairs bodybuilders with classic fast food meals including fried chicken, soda pop and cheese burgers. Although this can be taken as a series about what bodybuilder eat to bulk up, those who understand the art of sculpting one's body will immediately call out this misrepresentation. In any event, that is not the case at all.

Created by Bompas & Parr in collaboration with photographer Rebecca Andrews, The Four Horseman of the Oesophagus photo series can instead be considered a project about the exploitation of modern society's two biggest obsessions: body consciousness and convenience. Nevertheless, it is more of a reflection on people's relationship with food for the Avant/Garde Diareis Mercedes Drive-thru.
Trend Themes
1. Convenience Food Culture - Opportunity for businesses to innovate around offering healthier food choices that meet the demand for convenient and fast food culture.
2. Alternative Bodybuilding Methods - Disruptive innovation potential for companies creating alternative bodybuilding methods that do not rely on unhealthy diets and harmful supplements.
3. Viral Marketing Campaigns - Opportunities for businesses to create and capitalize on unconventional and viral marketing campaigns that garner attention and buzz around their products or services.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - Companies in this industry can innovate by creating healthier, yet convenient fast food options for health-conscious consumers.
2. Fitness Industry - Fitness companies can explore new bodybuilding methods that prioritize healthy lifestyles over 'bulking up', through yoga, pilates, and other disciplines of exercise.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing firms can capitalize on creating non-traditional advertising campaigns that rely on unusual partnerships and collaborations that speak to their brand messaging.

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