Perishing Etiquette Charts

The Death of Manners Infographic Contains a Sad Truth

The Death of Manners Infographic uses facts to show that etiquette is a dying concept. It would appear that as society moves foward, manners move backwards twice as fast.

However, the infographic isn't just referring to your basic "please and thank you." Drivers seem to have lost their personal conduct on the road, with 81% of people using cell phones while driving and 60% being aggressive drivers. Even on airplanes, passengers don't bathe before getting on and little children scream and kick the back of seats. One reason people are getting ruder may be becuase it pays off; impolite women earn $2,000 more than well-mannered women and ruder men make $10,000 more than nice guys.

The Death of Manners Infographic contains some depressing truths, but hopefully manners can make a comeback before they fade away forever.
Trend Themes
1. Declining Etiquette - The decline in manners presents an opportunity for businesses to develop products and services that promote and teach etiquette in modern society.
2. Distracted Driving - The increasing prevalence of cell phone use while driving highlights the need for innovations in automotive technology and driver education that minimize distractions and enhance safety.
3. Rise of Impoliteness - The financial rewards associated with rudeness suggest the potential for disruptive models that incentivize and reward polite behavior in the workplace and society at large.
Industry Implications
1. Education - The decline of etiquette creates an opportunity for the education industry to develop programs and curricula that emphasize the importance of manners and social etiquette to instill them in future generations.
2. Automotive - The prevalence of distracted driving necessitates innovation in the automotive industry to develop advanced safety features and systems that address and mitigate driver distractions.
3. Workplace Culture - The financial advantage gained by rude individuals in the workplace highlights the need for businesses to disrupt traditional workplace cultures by fostering environments that reward and incentivize politeness and respectful behavior.

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