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The Clash Project Features Fashion by Non-Fashion Designers

The Clash Project started off as a very small idea, but it quickly grew into something much larger than the four friends who started it could have ever imagined. This is the third year that the Clash Project has been in existence. The founders of the Clash Project are all professionals in the world of art, all of whom specialize in different forms of design.

The Clash Project was created so that designers could explore a different form of fashion than what they are used to and possibly bring a fresh perspective to the work. The founders encourage young up-and-coming artists who may not even specialize in fashion to explore the world of fashion, giving the realm of clothing a more artistic feel. 

Some pieces are individual but others are group projects. Evidently, it is when the tastes of different-minded designers come together, as they do with the Clash Project, that true magic is formed!
Trend Themes
1. Artistic Fashion Collaboration - The Clash Project encourages designers from diverse art backgrounds to collaborate and bring an artistic feel to fashion.
2. Exploring Fashion From Non-fashion Perspectives - The Clash Project invites young up-and-coming artists, who may not specialize in fashion, to explore and contribute to the world of clothing design.
3. Group Projects and Collective Creativity - The Clash Project showcases the power of collaboration and the magic that is formed when the tastes of different-minded designers come together.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Design - The Clash Project disrupts traditional fashion design by encouraging the exploration of fashion from non-fashion perspectives.
2. Art - The Clash Project bridges the gap between art and fashion, bringing an artistic feel to the world of clothing design.
3. Creative Collaboration - The Clash Project exemplifies the value of group projects and collective creativity in the realm of fashion and design.

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