Adaptable Television Programs

The BBC Network is Creating Shows Geared to Viewer Tastes

Popular British network the BBC has created an all-new personalized way for viewers to enjoy its television programming called Visual Perception Media. The service allows the viewer's personal preferences dictate the type of content they seeduring their favorite shows based off of data collected from an accompanying app.

The Visual Perception Media project allows consumers to have a say in the type of content they hear throughout their favorite shows. The service comes with an app that features personality-based surveys that collect data to offer aspects of the feature geared towards the viewer. This could mean different music in the background, longer or shorter scenes or different character perspectives.

While the Visual Perception Media feature is currently exclusively geared towards music, the concept could easily be applied to a variety of other media aspects to create a more customized experience for viewers.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Media Adaptations - An increasing trend towards personalized media adaptations, like Visual Perception Media from BBC, is revolutionizing the way viewers consume content based on their preferences.
2. Personality-based Data Collection - A trend towards personality-based data collection from viewers, as seen in the surveys accompanying BBC's Visual Perception Media, is shaping the future of content personalization.
3. Customized Media Experience - Customizing media experiences based on individual preferences, as demonstrated by BBC's Visual Perception Media, is an emerging trend that presents opportunities for disruptive innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry stands to benefit greatly from incorporating personalized adaptations and data collection to provide customized experiences like BBC's Visual Perception Media.
2. Technology - Developments in technology can provide the means for personalized media adaptations and innovative data collection methods, like the app accompanying BBC's Visual Perception Media.
3. Marketing - Marketing professionals can explore integrating personalized media adaptations, data collection, and customization to better target audiences and enhance engagement as demonstrated by BBC's Visual Perception Media.

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