Retro Regalia

Tara Levitin's Leviticus Collection Shines Upon Old Treasure

For an up-and-coming designer, simple is usually better. Being too flashy can often come off as trying too hard. With Tara Levitin’s Leviticus Jewelry Collection, she has gone simple and crafted an elegant arrangement.

Using old badges, trophy-like medals and precious stones, Levitin’s handmade pieces encompass an eclectic array of history displayed on multi-length chains.

She credits her inspiration to "old movies, music and other curious oddities." Not a pocket-emptier by any standards, the Leviticus Collection is a treasure you can admire for years to come.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycling Jewelry - Using old badges and trophy-like medals to create unique, handmade jewelry is a growing trend in the fashion world.
2. Eclectic Jewelry Arrangements - Designers are incorporating history and personal stories into their jewelry pieces to create eclectic and unique arrangements.
3. Vintage-inspired Accessories - Retro or vintage-inspired accessories are becoming more popular as consumers seek out unique and timeless pieces.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can take advantage of the growing trend of upcycling jewelry by creating new jewelry lines that utilize vintage or found items.
2. Vintage Collectibles Industry - The vintage collectibles industry can provide a market and supply of unique items for jewelry designers.
3. Film and Media Industry - The film and media industry can inspire new jewelry collections through retro or vintage movies and music.

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