T-Shirt-Made Undies

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Jess Swider Creates the Fashionable Slippery Slope Bloomer

Jess Swider created these t-shirt undies for the sake of the environment and the comfort of women everywhere.

The result is a set of adorable, high-waisted and extremely comfortable-looking fundies. Slippery Slope designs one-of-a-piece items with prints from brands, movies or events. The bloomers are an excellent addition to the Etsy shop's offerings, falling right in line with other products. You can even send in your favorite t-shirt to be made into underwear, extending its lifespan and recycling simultaneously.

Next to the t-shirt undies, Swider also creates Audubon undies in lovely designs and romantic high-waisted bikinis with pockets made out of bed sheets and pillow cases. Ultimately, these pieces are the perfect combination of resourcefulness and customization.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Fashion - Creating fashionable clothing using recycled materials can help promote sustainability in the fashion industry.
2. Customization - The ability to create custom made clothing items for customers promotes individuality and innovative solutions.
3. Upcycling - Upcycling clothing and fabric materials helps reduce waste and allows for the creation of unique and trendy fashion items.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can incorporate innovative and sustainable design methods in order to reduce waste and promote eco-friendly products.
2. Textile Recycling - Opportunities exist in the textile recycling industry to create new products from recycled fabrics, such as turning t-shirts into underwear.
3. E-commerce - E-commerce platforms can offer customizable clothing options that are both sustainable and innovative, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

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