Charitable Australian Bushfire Cosmetics

Nomad Cosmetics' Debuted the 'Sydney Save & Give' Event

In the wake of the tragic bushfires in Australia, beauty brand Nomad Cosmetics launched the 'Sydney Save & Give' event to help the affected animals. Founders of Nomad Cosmetics, Antti and Felicia Rintanen, visited Sydney in 2017 and felt compelled to give aid in these difficult times.

It was during their visit that the founders created the Sydney palette, a product that pays homage to the beautiful landscape of the country. The Sydney Save & Give event includes a 30% discount on the Sydney Palette, and for every sale, $10 will be donated to RSPCA Australia -- an organization founded in 1981 to promote the welfare of animals in Australia.
Trend Themes
1. Socially Conscious Beauty - The charitable success of Nomad Cosmetics' 'Sydney Save & Give' event suggests a growing market for socially conscious beauty products that support meaningful causes.
2. Cause-marketing Campaigns - Nomad Cosmetics demonstrates the potential for cause-marketing campaigns to generate positive social and financial outcomes for brands and their partner organizations.
3. Sustainability in Cosmetics - Consumers increasingly expect sustainable and ethical practices from their favorite cosmetics brands as Nomad Cosmetics shows how companies can give back to the environment and surrounding communities.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty - Nomad Cosmetics shows how beauty brands can leverage their products and influence to support charitable causes and connect with socially conscious consumers.
2. Nonprofit - The Sydney Save & Give event suggests potential future partnerships between nonprofit organizations and companies where mission-driven benefits can be mutually beneficial.
3. Animal Welfare - The charitable success of Nomad Cosmetics' 'Sydney Save & Give' event highlights the growing importance of and consumer interest in animal welfare, providing opportunities for companies to align with such causes.

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