Morbid Art Narratives

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'Suicide is Contagious' by Matthew Amey is a Chilling Photo Set

'Suicide is Contagious' by Matthew Amey is the sort of photo narrative that is as chilling as it is visually arresting. The narrative appears above, although I've transposed the first and second images; in it, a young woman's parents commit suicide. The set follows the woman's process of mourning and her final choice to deal with the pain.

We've seen several features that focus on suicide. After you check out 'Suicide is Contagious' by Matthew Amey above, keep clicking for other innovative takes on this chilling phenomenon.
Trend Themes
1. Morbid Art Narratives - The trend of creating emotionally charged art pieces that force people to confront uncomfortable topics like suicide presents opportunities for artists to innovate with new techniques and technologies.
2. Suicide Awareness Initiatives - There is a growing trend of using art, media, and technology to raise awareness about suicide prevention, which presents opportunities for organizations to develop disruptive solutions for suicide prevention.
3. Mental Health Advocacy - The increasing attention paid to mental health by society presents an opportunity for mental health practitioners, researchers, and advocacy groups to innovate with new treatments, technologies, and awareness-raising campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The series 'Suicide is Contagious' demonstrates the potential value of using photography to tell emotional stories that offer insight and provoke discussion on difficult and taboo topics like suicide.
2. Art - The trend of creating morbid art narratives and using art to promote suicide awareness offers artists a chance to push boundaries and innovate with new media, techniques, and subject matter.
3. Mental Health Services - The growing awareness of suicide as a societal problem underscores the need for mental health practitioners to develop disruptive and innovative solutions to help people at risk of suicide.

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