Room-Scanning Tablet Gadgets

The 'Structure Sensor' is Redesigned to Work with Different Devices

Interior designers and those who focus on living spaces will find the 'Structure Sensor' to be a must-have for those times when the initial design phase seems more daunting than it should. Using your iPad mini 4 or iPad Air, the 'Structure Sensor' connects on and uses the sophisticated technology of the device and tablet together to map out the parameters of the interior space. This enables one to easily gauge how much space is available to be worked with and how to approach design or restructuring.

The 'Structure Sensor' has an iOS developers app that's open source to allow users to hack the inner workings and make it even more functional for a variety of different uses.
Trend Themes
1. Room-scanning Technology - Opportunity to develop innovative room-scanning gadgets that can accurately measure interior spaces for design purposes.
2. Tablet Integration - Opportunity to create tablets with built-in sensors for mapping and measuring interior spaces.
3. Open Source Development - Opportunity to create open-source apps and software for room-scanning devices, allowing for customization and expansion of functionality.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Room-scanning technology can revolutionize the interior design industry by providing accurate measurements and visualization of spaces.
2. Consumer Electronics - Tablet manufacturers can incorporate room-scanning sensors into their devices, offering a unique selling point for their products.
3. Software Development - Open-source developers can contribute to the development of room-scanning apps and software, enabling a range of innovative applications for the technology.

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