Stylish Structural Beams

This Unique Design Incorporates the Apartment's Structural Roof

Decorating a house or apartment can be a fun task, but often people are forced to work around bulky structural beams. These large beams are typically load-bearing so their presence is necessary for structural support but not always aesthetically pleasing.

Rather than hiding these structural beams, an apartment dweller in Kiev decided to highlight the beams and make them part of the space's overall design. This apartment featured a series of black metal beams that were used for zoning purposes. To augment their visual impact, the designer accented them with subtle back lighting. The beams' black strong lines became the basis for the rest of the residence. The theme of sleek black lines was reintroduced throughout the space and translated through lighting fixtures, dining chairs and coffee tables.
Trend Themes
1. Structural Beam Incorporation - Opportunity for interior designers to creatively incorporate structural beams into the overall design of a space.
2. Zoning with Metal Beams - Potential for architects to use black metal beams for zoning purposes in interior spaces, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.
3. Accenting with Back Lighting - Possibility for lighting designers to utilize subtle back lighting to accentuate the visual impact of structural beams in a space.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Interior designers can harness the trend of incorporating structural beams to create unique and visually appealing spaces for their clients.
2. Architecture - Architects can explore the use of black metal beams for zoning purposes in interior spaces, offering an innovative approach to space planning and design.
3. Lighting Design - Lighting designers have the opportunity to utilize back lighting techniques to highlight and enhance the visual impact of structural beams in interior spaces.

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