Healthcare Startup Partnerships

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The Mayo Clinic will Partner with Israeli Startup Companies

In order to help expand the capabilities and innovation at the Mayo Clinic, the healthcare company is set to work with Israel-based startup companies. The program -- called the Mayo Clinic Israeli Startup Initiative -- will help to encourage collaboration with startups that are focused on healthcare innovations to help foster new technologies and insights.

Around the world, healthcare innovations are taking place at an increasingly rapid rate which requires an enhanced level of attention in order to ensure opportunities aren't missed.

The announcement of the Mayo Clinic Israeli Startup Initiative identifies a growing shift by large companies to favor collaboration with smaller startup companies. In doing so, the brand will likely be able to help foster new ideas and technology that could help expand the brand's worldwide capabilities and reach.
Trend Themes
1. Healthcare Startup Collaboration - Large healthcare companies are partnering with smaller startups to foster innovation in healthcare technologies and expand capabilities.
2. International Partnership Programs - Healthcare companies are developing programs to collaborate with startups from around the world in order to create new technologies and solutions.
3. Open Innovation in Healthcare - Collaboration between large healthcare companies and startups is highlighting the potential for open innovation and the development of new solutions in the healthcare industry.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The Mayo Clinic's partnership with Israeli startup companies identifies a growing trend towards collaboration between large healthcare companies and startups.
2. Startup - The Mayo Clinic Israeli Startup Initiative exemplifies the increasing opportunities for startups in the healthcare industry.
3. Technology - Collaborations between healthcare companies and startups are facilitating the development of new healthcare technologies.

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