Cosmic Paint-Like Photography

Star Dust by Molly Strohl Shows People are Connected to the Universe

First of all, Star Dust by Molly Strohl may come off as a paint series rather than a photographic one. Clearing that up, there is a spectacular quality to the cosmic images that will have people immediately assuming Photoshop played a large part in the outcome. In reality, the young Savannah-based photographer used a simple technique to create the appearance of stars on the faces of her subjects. She shone a flashlight through a paper riddled with poked holes.

Star Dust by Molly Strohl is inspired by the knowledge that "every human being is composed of materials that were once part of a star," as written on Visual News. Strohl herself writes, "Our fragile human bodies are so much more connected with the universe than we commonly believe ourselves to be."
Trend Themes
1. Cosmic Photography - Develop creative approaches, technologies, and mediums for capturing the splendor of celestial bodies and astronomical events through photography or other forms of visual art.
2. Connected Universe - Create products or services that foster awareness of humanity's connection to the universe and align with people's spiritual or philosophical beliefs.
3. DIY Photography Techniques - Develop simple, accessible, and cost-effective techniques for creating distinctive photographic effects without sophisticated equipment or software.
Industry Implications
1. Visual Arts and Photography - Explore new trends and styles in visual arts, and leverage technology and innovation to enhance the quality and impact of artistic expressions.
2. Cosmology and Astronomy - Invest in research and development of breakthrough discoveries in cosmology and astronomy, and foster public engagement with these fields through education and outreach programs.
3. Wellness and Healing - Develop offerings that promote self-awareness, mindfulness, and spiritual growth through meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, or other holistic and alternative healing practices.

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