Secret Street Art Showcases

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The Space Invader 'Invader 1000' Exhibit Celebrates the Street Artist

The Space Invader 'Invader 1000' exhibit will celebrate the thousandth street mosaic from the artist in the city of Paris. His identity may be unknown, but his works are certainly celebrated with thousands of works to be seen around the world. There's something about a street artist with a secret identity because it makes his work that much more magical and mysterious.

The showcase will be held at La Générale and will highlight a wide range of Space Invader’s works including photographs, stickers, installations and even a Speed Ball machine. Running now until July 2nd, the exhibit is certainly a must-see! Unusual, captivating and diverse, the works of Space Invader may not be what you think of when you imagine memorable Parisian art, but his gamer-centric works are certainly monumental for art-appreciators and gamers everywhere.
Trend Themes
1. Street Art - Opportunity for brands to collaborate with street artists to create unique and eye-catching marketing campaigns.
2. Secret Identity - Potential for brands to create mystery and buzz around their products by using anonymous artists or influencers in their advertising.
3. Gamer-centric Art - Emerging market for art that caters to the growing gaming community, presenting opportunities for artists and brands to tap into this niche.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity for art galleries and museums to feature street art exhibits and attract new audiences.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Opportunity for brands to leverage street artists and their secret identities to create guerrilla marketing campaigns that generate buzz and intrigue.
3. Gaming - Potential for game developers and gaming companies to collaborate with artists to create branded artwork that appeals to the gaming community and enhances the gaming experience.

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