Cuddle Position Playing Cards

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Snuggle Sutra Lets Lovers Explore Intimate Ways to Hug & Bond

If you feel as though your cuddling sessions have been getting stale as of late, you’ll want to pick up a pack of these Snuggle Sutra cards. As the name suggests, the humorous pocket-sized cards actually denote various positions that lovers can try out to intensify bonding experiences. Classics like the "Spoon" are obviously a part of Snuggle Sutra’s recommendations, but adventurous and hilariously named positions like "Superman" and "Costanza" will surely reignite passion that’s starting to dwindle.

Funnily enough, Snuggle Sutra cards also include a scoring system called "cuddle points," as well as difficulty ratings to help those who aren’t well-versed in snuggle acrobatics decide which position they should attempt. By far the least rewarding card to play is the "Double Plank," which has a difficulty rating of 5 stars, but awards lovers 0.0 cuddle points.
Trend Themes
1. Intimacy-enhancing Card Games - Opportunity for businesses to create similar products that offer couples new ways to connect and bond.
2. Humorous Relationship Aids - Businesses can develop products that spark laughter and joy in couples, while also deepening intimacy.
3. Gamification of Intimacy - There is potential for businesses to incorporate game-like elements into products aimed at enhancing romantic relationships.
Industry Implications
1. Romantic Gifts & Novelties - Businesses within this industry can expand their product lines to include intimacy-enhancing card games or other relationship aids.
2. Sex Education & Therapy - Opportunity for sex education or therapy businesses to utilize game-inspired tools to help couples explore new ways to connect.
3. E-commerce & Marketplace - There is potential for e-commerce platforms to partner with businesses that offer relationship aids and promote them to consumers seeking unique gifts for their partners.

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