Morphing Candy Billboards

This Ad for Snickers Candy Bars Surprises with Facial Recognition Tech

Super Bowl viewers from this year will be familiar with the commercial for Snickers candy bars that aired during the game featuring the beautiful Marilyn Monroe transform into Willem Dafoe to remind audiences that 'You're Not You When You're Hungry.'

This ongoing campaign continues with a billboard from Snickers that features an iconic moving image of Monroe. With a built-in camera and facial recognition technology, this billboard catches people staring and quickly swaps the face of the blonde beauty for Dafoe, who offers cranky quips about standing in heels and more.

This is one of few billboards that people on the streets seem to be elated to engage with, even if they know what is coming.
Trend Themes
1. Facial Recognition Technology in Advertising - The use of facial recognition technology in advertising offers opportunities to create interactive and engaging consumer experiences.
2. Interactive Billboards - Interactive billboards that use technology like facial recognition have the potential to capture and hold people's attention, creating memorable brand experiences.
3. Personalized Marketing - Using facial recognition technology allows brands to deliver personalized marketing messages to consumers, enhancing the relevancy and effectiveness of their campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry can leverage facial recognition technology to create innovative and engaging campaigns that stand out in a crowded marketplace.
2. Outdoor Advertising - The outdoor advertising industry can benefit from the use of interactive billboards that capture attention and create memorable experiences for viewers.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies, such as candy bar manufacturers like Snickers, can utilize facial recognition technology to deliver personalized and targeted marketing messages to consumers.

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