Permanent Smile Plastic Surgery

Smile Lipt Addresses the Commonality of Natural Frowns in Korea

Korea is gaining quite the reputation when it comes to plastic surgery, the latest development involving a procedure that has been dubbed Smile Lipt--as in a Smile Lift + Lip. It is a mouth-lifting operation that essentially puts a permanent smile on people's lips. Although not as freaky as the Joker's scarred face, Smile Lipt is a strange procedure.

Currently offered by Aone Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery, a plastic surgeon office located in the city of Yongin, Smile Lipt addresses the commonality of natural frowns in the country. It also fixes asymmetrical smiles. With plastic surgery procedures like Smile Lipt, it is no surprise that 1 in 5 women in Seoul get work done, as reported by PSFK.
Trend Themes
1. Permanent-smile Plastic Surgery - The trend towards extreme and permanent facial modifications in plastic surgery offers opportunities for innovative new techniques and procedures.
2. Asymmetrical Smile Correction - The trend towards correcting small, specific facial features through plastic surgery allows for niche procedures and targeted advertising.
3. Plastic Surgery Tourism - The trend towards seeking plastic surgery abroad, especially in countries with lower costs and fewer regulations, presents opportunities for global expansion in the plastic surgery industry.
Industry Implications
1. Plastic Surgery - The plastic surgery industry is seeing an increase in demand for new and unique procedures, particularly those that offer permanent or extreme modifications.
2. Beauty and Cosmetics - The beauty and cosmetics industry is influenced by trends in plastic surgery, with the availability of new procedures driving consumer interest and demand for related products and services.
3. Medical Tourism - The rise of medical tourism, particularly in the field of plastic surgery, is creating new opportunities for businesses and service providers in international markets.

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