Tech-Infused Hair Brushes

Withings Hair Coach Uses Smart Technology to Track Your Hair's Health

The Withings Hair Coach is a smart hair brush -- an infusion of an everyday object with technology to alter daily beauty routines, keeping hair happy and healthy.

The current state of your hair is a reflection of your diet, stress levels, overall health and genetics -- with all these factors, assessing the effectiveness of a product, can be a bit of a guessing game. Developed in collaboration with L’Oréal’s Research and Innovation Technology Incubator, this smart hair brush uses advanced sensors, thoughtful product design and smartphone technology to track, analyze and score the quality of hair, while monitoring different products and daily hair care routines.

To use the product, the consumer simply brushes the comb through their hair, while the smart technology does the rest, sending and storing information in the users accompanied smartphone app.

The rise of smart technology is changing daily beauty routines, allowing for consumers to upgrade a mundane product to positively effect the way they care for themselves.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Beauty Devices - Technology-infused beauty products are taking over daily routines and paving the way for more sophisticated beauty devices.
2. Personalized Hair Care - Smart hair brushes are revolutionizing the way people understand their hair, and opening opportunities for personalized hair care products and routines.
3. Data-driven Beauty Trends - The data provided by smart hair brushes can be used to identify beauty trends and create new products tailored to consumer preferences and needs.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Personal Care - The beauty and personal care industry can apply smart technology to create a range of personalized and data-driven hair care products for consumers.
2. Health and Wellness Monitoring - The health industry can harness the smart technology in hair brushes to track overall health and wellness by monitoring hair quality and product usage.
3. Consumer Electronics - Smart hair brushes are opening up opportunities for the consumer electronics industry to develop and market a range of innovative and personalized beauty devices.

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