Sleep Disorder Sculptures

Sleepwalker by Tony Matelli Creeps Out Students at Wellesley College

Sleepwalker by Tony Matelli, an artist born in Chicago, Illinois, and based in New York City, is a sculpture that has received a lot of controversial attention. Installed outside of the Davis Musuem at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, it depicts a nearly naked man sleepwalking outdoors hence its name. Extremely realistic, it has caused some students, headed by junior Zoe Magdid, to feel unsafe on campus.

Although Sleepwalker by Tony Matelli does depict a rather creepy sight, it is hard to imagine how it would trigger such heinous crimes. Instead, it is more like a Halloween installation that was simply put up eight months in advance. Other than its less than stellar reception, the sculpture does encourage people to dwell on concepts of displacement and vulnerability.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Art Installations - There is an opportunity for artists to create controversial art installations, using hyper-realistic sculptures or other forms of art to create discomfort or discord among audiences.
2. Outdoor Art - Outdoor art has an opportunity for more exposure as public spaces become increasingly popular to install works that ignite conversation aroung displacement, advocacy and awareness.
3. Art as Advocacy Movement - Artists have an opportunity to use their craft to advocate for social, cultural and political change, where art installations can be used as a medium of amplifying voices & raising awareness on sensitive topics.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Entertainment - Artists, museums and galleries have the potential to dominate the conversation around public installations and edgy art that sparks debates and discourse.
2. Travel and Tourism - Outdoor installations could pique interest for travelers to explore art is various cities and countries while savoring new experiences and adding value to their travel journey.
3. Education - Art and sculptures can be used as teaching tools, provoking critical analysis and inquiries around public perception of sensitive topics such as displacement and vulnerability.

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