Shocking Obesity Infographics

The Skinny on Fat Graph is Informative and Shocking

Obesity in North America is one of the most talked about and taboo topics this nation has witnessed in the past 15 years, and the Skinny on Fat chart in an informative infographic on weight gain.

Americans weighed 10lbs less in the 90s than they do now, which is a shocking statistic in itself. As a result of the extra weight gain, the airplane industry has had to spend an extra $275 million on gas in 2010. The Americas have the largest density of overweight people with 62% being overweight and 26% being obese. While South East Asia is the skinniest nation with only 14% being overweight and 3% being obese. Not to worry though, as China is still the largest cash cow of fast food.
Trend Themes
1. Obesity Epidemic - The rising obesity rates in North America present opportunities for innovative solutions in the health and wellness industry.
2. Impact on Transportation - The increased weight of individuals has created a need for fuel-efficient transportation solutions, providing opportunities for disruptive innovations in the transportation sector.
3. Global Disparity in Weight - The contrast in obesity rates between different regions of the world opens up possibilities for cross-cultural initiatives in health and nutrition industries.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - The obesity epidemic creates a demand for innovative products and services focused on weight management, nutrition, and overall well-being.
2. Transportation - The impact of increased weight on fuel consumption presents opportunities for disruptive innovations in fuel-efficient vehicles, alternative transportation modes, and logistics.
3. Food and Beverage - The prevalence of fast food in China highlights the potential for disruptive innovations in healthier fast food alternatives and nutritional education.

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