Protective Skate Shoe Gear

This Invention Protects Skateboarding Shoes From Scraping the Concrete

Skateboarding shoes can take a hard beating from all the scraping, scuffing and sliding they do on the concrete. At the same time, it is often skateboarders who take the most pride in their sneakers in the first place. This invention offers a solution to this problem by protecting the shoes from being scuffed while skating.

The "protection kit" is essentially a plastic shoe covering that uses Velcro to tighten and stay firmly on the foot. As the outside of the foot is usually what is pressed onto the board to vertically tilt it, the covering has the most material on its outside. While this invention would certainly prolong the life of stylish skateboarding shoes, it would also cover up the designs of the same kicks that skaters want to show off.
Trend Themes
1. Skate Shoe Protective Covers - Innovative ways to protect skateboarding shoes from scraping without sacrificing style
2. Skateboarding Shoe Accessories - New accessory inventions to enhance the skateboarding experience and prolong the lifespan of skateboard shoes
3. Sustainable Skate Shoe Fashion - The rise of sustainable and eco-friendly skate shoe designs that are durable and protective
Industry Implications
1. Sports Equipment and Apparel - Opportunities for companies to innovate and create new products that protect the longevity of skateboarding shoes without compromising style and design
2. Consumer Accessories - Entrepreneurial ventures in creating unique accessories that complement skateboarding activities
3. Sustainable Fashion and Apparel - Inventive ways to create eco-friendly and sustainable skate shoe fashion that is protective and fashionable

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