Illustrated Skateboard Designs

GoldCoast Skateboards Teams Up with Graphic Designer Denis Carrier

Many skateboard designs feel tired in their Ed Hardy style and overtly masculine vibe. That is not the case when it comes to the products of GoldCoast Skateboards. Their skateboard designs are truly inspired. Take, for example, the recent 'Heart On' concept.

Teaming up with French illustrator and graphic designer Denis Carrier, GoldCoast Skateboards has created an artist design that has a bit of a feminine twist. Although the subject matter is clearly masculine, the concentration on soft pastel colors and scroll fonts gives it this specific appeal. As far as skateboard designs go, the Heart On edition can easily be considered a piece of art. Whether used on the open road or hung on a wall, people will love this particular piece.
Trend Themes
1. Artistic Skateboard Designs - The trend of incorporating artistic designs into skateboard aesthetics presents opportunities for brands to tap into the intersection of skateboarding and art, attracting a wider range of consumers.
2. Gender-inclusive Skateboarding - The trend of incorporating feminine elements into traditionally masculine skateboard designs presents an opportunity for brands to cater to a more diverse and inclusive skateboarding community.
3. Skateboarding as an Art Form - The trend of showcasing skateboard designs as artistic creations opens up opportunities for brands to position skateboarding as a legitimate art form and create unique collaborations with artists.
Industry Implications
1. Skateboard Manufacturing - Skateboard manufacturers can leverage the trend of artistic skateboard designs to differentiate their products and attract consumers looking for unique and visually appealing skateboards.
2. Graphic Design - The trend of gender-inclusive skateboard designs creates opportunities for graphic designers to collaborate with skateboard brands and create visually striking designs that appeal to a wider range of consumers.
3. Art Galleries - Art galleries can explore the trend of showcasing skateboard designs as art to attract a new audience and bridge the gap between skateboarding culture and the art world.

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