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Elisha Cuthbert Depicted In Gratuitous 'Captivity' Billboards

30 gratuitous billboards depicting abduction, torture and murder of kidnapping victims in Elisha Cuthbert's latest movie, 'Captivity' have censors and concerned citizens in an uproar at the shocking content of these ads.

Implications - After complaints from multiple citizens, the controversial advertisements are being pulled down. With such shocking images blown up and displayed for all kids, teens, adults and seniors to see, it is no wonder why people were calling in to have them removed. People who want to see the shocking content will just have to wait to go see the movie themselves. Although they are being taken down, these billboards really did their job in getting the movie known to the community.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Advertising - Opportunity for brands to create attention-grabbing campaigns that stir emotions and generate buzz.
2. Public Outrage - Companies need to be mindful of the potential backlash from controversial advertising and be prepared to address public concerns and swiftly take down offensive content.
3. Targeted Marketing - Advertisers can leverage shocking content to target specific audiences and create a memorable impact.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Opportunity for filmmakers to push boundaries and create provocative advertising campaigns that generate interest and intrigue.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Companies can explore edgier and more controversial advertising strategies to break through the clutter and capture consumer attention.
3. Public Relations - PR professionals can offer crisis management services to help companies navigate potential controversies and mitigate reputational damage.

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